Categories:Viewed: 48 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 2 lbs Little Smokies sausages (we use Hillshire Farm)
  • 1 lb bacon (real bacon, no turkey bacon or maple flavored)
  • 2 cups light brown sugar


  • Line large baking sheet with foil (we don't always do this, but it's easier for cleanup).
  • Cut bacon into thirds, resulting in several 3" strips.
  • wrap each weiner with bacon, line them loosely in the pan as you go.
  • Cover with brown sugar, it'll seem like a lot of sugar, but it cooks down
  • Bake 375 for 45 minutes. Broil at the end until top is crisped.
  • Hurry and get your share before everyone eats them all!