Categories:Viewed: 83 - Published at: 9 months ago


  • 3 cups Watermelon, Scooped Using A Melon Baller
  • 1-1/2 cup Black Grapes (or Green Or Red)
  • 2 cups Fresh Strawberries, Hulled And Sliced
  • 4 Small Kiwis, Peeled And Sliced
  • 1 can (8 Oz. Size) Pineapple Chunks In 100% Juice
  • 1/2 teaspoons Vanilla
  • 2 Tablespoons Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon Orange Juice Concentrate


  • Prepare your fruits; ball, slice, pick, rinse, peel, etc. and place in a large serving bowl. Open up the can of pineapple. In a small bowl, drain the juice from the can of pineapple. Put the pineapple into the bowl with the rest of the fruit. Add the vanilla, honey and orange juice to the pineapple juice. Whisk until combined and pour over the fruit.
  • Serve immediately or chill for a few hours before serving to allow the juices to meld into the fruit.
  • Serves 6-8. Enjoy.