
  • 1 pkg. 12 inch rice paper wrappers (approx. 14-15 wrappers)I prefer Banh Trang brand.
  • 1 lb. pork loin
  • 1 lb. shrimp,
  • 1 head leaf lettuce
  • 3 bunches of bean thread noodles
  • 1 large bunch of fresh mint
  • For dipping sauce:
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 t. ground chili paste (or more if you like it more hot)
  • 1/4 c. fish sauce (I prefer Three Crabs brand.)
  • 2/3 c. hot water
  • 2 T. fresh squeezed lime juice (or more to taste)
  • 1/4 c. sugar
  • finely chopped peanuts (Optional)


  • Advanced Preparation:
  • 1. Slice pork loin into 1" X 2 1/2" strips and saute in non stick pan, set aside.
  • 2. Drop shrimp in boiling salted water until done. Drop in cold water to cool quickly. Remove shrimp from water, remove shells, devien and set aside.
  • 3. Rinse leaf lettuce, dry, break into individual leaves
  • 4. Rinse mint, shake dry and remove leaves from stems
  • Immediately before assembly:
  • 1.Drop bean thread noodles in simmering water. Simmer until soft (1-2 minutes). Rinse with cold water and drain.
  • 2. Place a cake pan on the stove, fill with about an inch of water and bring to a simmer. Turn down heat.
  • To assemble:
  • 1. Take one rice paper wrapper and dip in the cake pan of hot water until soft.(5-10 seconds) Be very careful as skins are delicate and tear easily.
  • 3. Place the soft rice paper on a smooth damp surface or cheese cloth.
  • 4. Assemble in the following order on the bottom third of the soft rice paper: one leaf of lettuce, two tablespoons of bean thread noodles, 2-3 slices of pork, 2-3 shrimp, and mint leaves
  • 4. Start rolling from the edge, folding in the ends after the first roll. Place on platter. Continue until all wrappers are used. Slice rolls in half.
  • For Dipping Sauce:
  • Mash garlic and chili paste with a mortar and pestle. Combine with fish sauce, hot water, and lime juice. Stir to dissolve sugar. Serve in small serving bowls with chopped peanuts on top.