Category: banana ice cream
Learn banana ice cream - Recipes
  1. Blueberry Magic - apple cider

    Ingredients 14 cup apple cider12 cup blueberry yogurt1 large frozen banana, sliced1 cup wild blueberries, tiny, frozen1 scoop banana ice cream (you may sub with frozen yogurt)6 whole blueberries, garnishMethodP...Learn More
    apple ciderblueberry yogurtfrozen banana
  2. Chocolate-Date Cake Topped With Roasted Banana Ice Cream - Cake

    Ingredients For the cake:2 cups water2 teaspoons baking soda14 ounces dates (I used Medjool)3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature1 cup sugar1 egg2 cups all-purpose flour1/2 teaspoon salt14 ou...Learn More
    Cakewaterbaking soda