Category: mandarin juice
Learn mandarin juice - Recipes
  1. Mandarin Cream Salad - orange Jell-O

    Ingredients 4 (3 oz.) pkg. orange Jell-O1/2 c. mandarin juice1 qt. vanilla ice cream4 1/2 c. boiling water2 (11 oz.) cans mandarins, drained4 medium bananas, slicedMethodDissolve 2 packages Jell-O in 2 1/2 cups...Learn More
    orange Jell-Omandarin juicevanilla ice cream
  2. Hollandaise - egg yolks

    Ingredients 3 egg yolks1 Tbsp. lemon juice1/4 tsp. salt1/2 c. melted butter1 Tbsp. mandarin juice1 tsp. mandarin peel, choppedpinch of white pepperMethodIn a blender, combine egg yolks, mandarin peel, mandarin ...Learn More
    egg yolkslemon juicesalt
  3. Cookies - flour

    Ingredients 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour1/2 tsp. salt1 1/2 tsp. mandarin peel, chopped1/2 c. butter3/4 c. sugar3 Tbsp. mandarin juice1/2 tsp. baking powderGlazeMethodMix flour, salt and baking powder.Cream butter...Learn More
    floursaltmandarin peel
  4. Fig Ambrosia - unpeeled figs

    Ingredients 1 lb. fresh unpeeled figs, stemmed and sliced1 (15 oz.) can mandarins with packing syrup5 Tbsp. finely grated unsweetened coconut5 Tbsp. mandarin juice1 tsp. mandarin peel in syrup1 Tbsp. sugarMetho...Learn More
    unpeeled figsmandarinscoconut
  5. Amsterdam - gin

    Ingredients 1 12 ounces gin12 ounce triple sec34 ounce mandarin juiceMethodShake with a glassful of broken ice and pour, unstrained, into an old-fashioned glass....Learn More
    ginTriple Secmandarin juice
  6. Sweet Biscuits - flour

    Ingredients 2 c. flour1 1/4 tsp. salt4 Tbsp. butter1/2 c. mandarin juice4 tsp. baking powder2 Tbsp. sugar2 tsp. chopped mandarin peel12 sugar cubes, broken in halfMethodMix all ingredients but mandarin juice an...Learn More
  7. Cream Filling - confectioners sugar

    Ingredients 1 c. confectioners sugar1 Tbsp. peel in syrup, drained1 egg1 Tbsp. cornstarch1 Tbsp. mandarin juice1 Tbsp. hot water2 Tbsp. butterMethodBeat all ingredients together over moderate to high heat until...Learn More
    confectioners sugarsyrupegg