Category: nasturtium leaves
Learn nasturtium leaves - Recipes
  1. Sprouts with Apples and Nasturtium Leaves - delicate sprouts

    Ingredients 1/4 pound mixed delicate sprouts, such as alfalfa, watercress and mustard seed (about 4 cups)1 Granny Smith apple, finely julienned1 1/2 teaspoons toasted peanut or sesame oil1 1/2 teaspoons grapese...Learn More
    delicate sproutsapplepeanut
  2. Salmon-Cucumber Stuffed Nasturtium Leaves - cream cheese

    Ingredients 2 ounces salmon cream cheese spread, softened1/4 cup cucumber, finely mincedsalt20 large nasturtium leaves20 long stemmed nasturtium blossomsMethodMix together the salmon cream cheese, cucumber, and...Learn More
    cream cheesecucumbersalt