Category: white liquor
Learn white liquor - Recipes
  1. MomS Slush - water

    Ingredients 7 c. water1 1/2 c. sugar1 (12 oz.) orange juice concentrate1 (12 oz.) lemonade concentrate1/3 c. green tea2 c. white liquor (rum or vodka)Light colored soda - like Sprite, 7-up, Ginger Ale or Mounta...Learn More
    watersugarorange juice concentrate
  2. Scent of the Tropics Pineapple Liqueur - white liquor

    Ingredients 750 ml White liquor1/2 Pineapple1 same volume as fruit Crystal rock sugarMethodSterilize a bottle.If you don't have a pan big enough to fit the bottle in, rinse it in plenty of boiling water and mak...Learn More
    white liquorpineapplesame volume