
  • 1 3-5lb beef tenderloin
  • 1 package of fresh baby spinach or frozen leaf spinach-defrosted
  • 1/2 medium white or yellow onion
  • 1 package baby bella mushrooms- sliced
  • 6 sundried tomatoes rehydrated in wine-sliced
  • 1 6oz container feta cheese or blue cheese
  • 1/4c brandy
  • 1T chopped garlic
  • kosher salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  • olive oil
  • 1T butter


  • Butterfly tenderloin 3/4 of the way through so that when you fold it over you have one flat cut of meat. Place meat between two pieces of plastic wrap and pound out until it is between 1/4-1/2 inch thick. It should almost be a perfect rectangle. Roll it up in the plastic and place in the refrigerator. Next slice the onion into strips and cook in olive oil until they begin to sweat. Add the garlic & cook until it becomes arromatic. Throw in the mushrooms and brown slightly. If using fresh spinach, add it to the mixture & cook until it is wilted. Pour in brandy and cook the alcohol out. Remove from heat and cool. In a separate bowl mix sundried tomatoes, cheese and defrosted spinach. Add the cooled ingredients and salt and pepper to taste. Remove the tender from the frig and lay flat. Start by spreading all of the stuffing on one side of the meat, leaving enough room(1/2-3/4 in.)on the ends for it to spread out when you roll it. Begin to roll the meat evenly and as tight as posible. You should be rolling with the grain of the meat. Have some butcher string ready so you can tie it off after you have rolled it. Coat liberally with coarse salt and pepper(this is a very important step to ensure a good flavor profile of the meat itself). Either refrigerate or get a pan with olive oil and a pat of butter very hot without burning it. Preheat broiler to 450 degrees. Place tender in pan and sear on all sides to seal in the juices and flavor of the meat. Place pan in oven and broil until preferred doneness by using a meat thermometer. I usually cook it medium rare as it tends to cook a little more when you take it out of the oven to rest. Let sit for at least 10-15 minutes before cutting. Slice meat into desired thickness. I prefer 1/2 inch slices. Fan slices out on platter for the most beautiful presentation of your party entree. If you would like to serve with a sauce. Heat pan dripping on stove and add some red wine to it. Serve on side or drizzle over meat.