Categories:Viewed: 67 - Published at: 7 years ago


  • 1 cut Cured mackerel
  • 1 whole sheet Nori seaweed
  • 2 Green shiso leaves
  • 170 grams Sushi rice


  • Even out the thickness of the mackerel by trimming the thickest parts.
  • Slice the bottom belly section so the fillet is almost uniform in width.
  • Lightly roast the nori seaweed, spread on a thin layer of sushi rice, top it with 2 shiso leaves, then the mackerel (wrap the sliced off piece around the tail end).
  • Roll it up from the end.
  • Let it sit until the contents settle.
  • Slice into pieces with a dampened knife.
  • If you get your hands on some fresh mackerel, you can be fancy and make two types: pressed mackerel sushi and rolled sushi.