Categories:Viewed: 33 - Published at: 8 years ago


  • 1 pkg. sugar-free lemon Jell-O
  • 1 c. boiling water
  • juice of 1 lemon or use ReaLemon juice
  • 1 c. lemon low-fat yogurt
  • 3/4 c. Cool Whip


  • Mix together the sugar-free lemon Jell-O and boiling water. Put juice of 1 lemon in measuring cup. Fill up with cold water to make 3/4 cup. Add this to the Jell-O mixture. Chill mixture until it starts to jell.
  • Mix yogurt and Cool Whip together.
  • Whip this mixture with partially jelled Jell-O mixture.
  • Pour mixture into an 8-inch square cake pan and chill until firm.