Categories:Viewed: 52 - Published at: 7 years ago


  • 100 grams Cake flour (or bread flour)
  • 75 ml Lukewarm water (adjust as needed)


  • Put the lukewarm water in the flour in 3 batches, while mixing using a cutting motion with a spatula.
  • When the mixture is crumbly, press down with your hands while gathering in the flour to form a cohesive mass.
  • Add a bit more water if needed.
  • When the dough has come together and is fairly tender (about as soft as your earlobe), flour your work surface and your hands and knead.
  • You can adjust the consistency of the dough with the flour too.
  • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and rest for at least 15 minutes.
  • I recommend making the filling while the dough rests.
  • By resting it, the dough becomes easier to roll out.
  • Flour both the work surface and a rolling pin.
  • Cut the dough in half, roll each piece into a ball and press flat onto the work surface.
  • Roll out back and forth and side to side with the rolling pin.
  • If you roll the dough onto the rolling pin diagonally at the end, this will result in a square.
  • Roll the dough out very thinly, and cut out with a cup or something similar.
  • You can just cut it into squares too.
  • Use the leftover bits in soups or ramen.
  • For wonton dumplings, make the dough as thin as possible, and cut into squares.
  • If you make the filling while letting the dough rest during Step 4, then fill the skins after they are cut, they'll be very stretchy and easy to handle.
  • Seal both gyoza and wonton dumpling skins tightly around the filling to trap in the meat juices.
  • Since the skins stretch very well, boil or cook just before dinner.