Categories:Viewed: 21 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • 15 -20 lemons (clean and unwaxed with nice plump skins)
  • 2 (750 ml) bottles80-proof vodka (cheaper the better, suggested Everclear)
  • 4 -6 cups water
  • 2 -4 cups sugar (more if you want it thicker or sweeter)


  • PART ONE (two weeks minimum, 2-3 months best).
  • Wash and dry the lemons.
  • Only use the ones without blemished peels or pare off any spots and the stems, ends.
  • Remove the peel from the lemons with a sharp peeler or fine grater, carefully avoiding the bitter white pith.
  • If any white pith remains on the back of a strip of peel, scrape it off.
  • If you get any of the white part in the batch, the limoncello will be bitter and you don't want that!
  • Put the peels in a glass jar and add the vodka about two inches below the top and seal tightly.
  • Leave the jar to steep in a cool, dark place until the peels lose their color, at least 2 weeks.
  • 2-3 months gives the best flavor
  • Every couple of weeks swirl the peels around in the jar to mix up the oils in the alcohol.
  • PART TWO (two weeks).
  • Put the water and sugar in a saucepan, stir and slowly boil until it turns clear.
  • Let the syrup cool.
  • Put the cooled syrup in the jar with the lemons (you might have to divide the batch into two jars at this point, depending on the size of your jar).
  • Put the jars back in the closet for at least two weeks.
  • Longer is fine too.
  • PART THREE (one week).
  • Strain out the lemon peels through a coffee filter or cheesecloth and pour the limoncello into another container.
  • Press down to remove all the vodka and oils that you can from the peels before tossing them in the trash.
  • Stir the liquid with a clean plastic or wooden spoon.
  • Put the liqueur in clean bottles, seal tightly and leave the finished bottles for at least 1 week before using.
  • For best flavor and drinking it straight, store the limoncello in the freezer.
  • It shouldn't freeze because of how much alcohol is in it and it's wonderful ice cold.