Categories:Viewed: 36 - Published at: 4 years ago


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 (5 ounce) chilean sea bass fillets, skin removed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 cups Simply Potatoes Diced Potatoes with Onion


  • Put the Simply Potatoes Diced Potatoes with Onion in a kitchen towel and squeeze to remove any excess water and then chop roughly with knife or even pulse in a food process.
  • Meanwhile, rinse and pat fish dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium heat.
  • Flatten out Simply Potatoes Diced Potatoes with Onions into 8 thin "pancakes" that are the size of your fish and place them in the pan. Immediately press the fish into the Simply Potatoes Diced Potatoes with Onion pancakes.Then top with another potato pancake.
  • Cook until potatoes are golden brown, about 10 minutes per side. You want your fish to flake with a fork.
  • Squeeze a lemon over your fish, the potato will drink it up.
  • Serve with a red pepper basil aioli and roasted asparagus.
  • Enjoy!