Download Savoury strips - Biscuit
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  • ½ cup plain flour, sifted
  • ½ cup self-raising flour, sifted
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 ½ cups grated, matured Cheddar cheese
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup beer
  • extra beer, for brushing
  • coarse salt, for sprinkling


1. Combine sifted flours in a mixing bowl with salt, paprika, cayenne and cheese. Beat egg lightly in a small bowl and stir in beer. Pour over dry ingredients and mix to a firm dough.

2. Knead dough lightly on a floured surface. Roll out thinly and cut into 1 × 5cm wide strips. Place on an ungreased baking tray. Brush lightly with extra beer. Sprinkle with salt.

3. Bake at 180°C for 15–20 minutes, or until golden. Cool on trays for 2–3 minutes.

4. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.