
  • Syrian Allspice - salt
  • 4 c. rice (Uncle Bens converted)
  • 8 c. chicken broth
  • 1 pound butter (lightly salted)
  • 2 pound hamburger
  • 1/2 pound pignolia nuts
  • 1 pound chicken necks & backs (to boil for broth)
  • College Inn chicken broth (if needed)


  • Boil chicken necks and backs to get the chicken broth.
  • Strain the broth till it is clear.
  • You should have sufficient broth for 4 c. rice, if not, you can use the College Inn broth to make up the difference.
  • (Don't use any water, all broth.)
  • Cook the 2 pounds hamburger on top of stove at the same time.
  • Heat butter on low flame, till butter is melted and put in pignolia nuts, stirring the nuts often so they do not burn, till they are light brown.
  • Remove from heat and let it cold.
  • Take the 8 c. of broth and let it come to a boil.
  • Pour the 4 c. of rice into the broth and stir just 1 time to make sure it is mixed.
  • When it is 3/4 cooked, add in the butter and pignolia mix to the rice.
  • Be very careful how you mix it together adding the syrian allspice to taste and salt also.
  • (Spices and pignolia nuts can be bought at a syrian oriental market.)