Category: cake yeast
Learn cake yeast - Recipes
  1. Carrot Rolls - flour

    Ingredients 4 c. flour1 c. cooked riced carrots1/4 c. sugar1 c. warm water1 tsp. salt1 egg, beaten1 cake yeast4 Tbsp. melted shorteningMethodDissolve yeast in 1/4 c. lukewarm water.Combine with the 1 c. of warm...Learn More
  2. Sourdough StartServing Size: 1 - flour

    Ingredients 2 c. flour2 c. warm water1 pkg. dry or cake yeastMethodMix ingredients together.Let stand in a warm place overnight or up to 48 hours.The longer the Start stands, the stronger the fermenting will be...Learn More
    flourwatercake yeast
  3. Refrigerator Rolls - shortening

    Ingredients 1/2 c. shortening1/3 c. sugar1/2 c. boiling water1 cake yeast1/2 c. cold water1 egg1 Tbsp. salt3 c. flourMethodIn a mixer, cream shortening and sugar.Add hot water.Add yeast that has been dissolved ...Learn More
    shorteningsugarboiling water
  4. Sweet Saffron Buns - boiling water

    Ingredients 1/2 cup boiling water1/2 teaspoon saffron1 pinch salt1 (2 ounce) package cake yeast1/4 cup warm water1 pinch white sugar1 cup white sugar1 1/2 teaspoons salt1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg2 cups milk3/4 ...Learn More
    boiling watersaffronsalt
  5. Nut And Poppy Seed Roll - flour

    Ingredients 2 1/2 cups flour3/4 cup butter4 egg yolks1 cake yeast1/2 lukewarm milk2 teaspoon sugarSolo filling-poppy seed fillingwalnuts, choppedMethodDissolve yeast and sugar in milk. Let rise. Rub the butter ...Learn More
    flourbutteregg yolks
  6. ShirleyS Hot Rolls - water

    Ingredients 1 c. warm water1 cake yeast1/2 c. sugar1 tsp. salt1/3 c. oil2 eggs, beaten3 1/2 to 4 c. flourMethodCombine the yeast and water.Let stand for several minutes. Combine the other ingredients and mix we...Learn More
    watercake yeastsugar
  7. MontiS Roman Bread - cake yeast

    Ingredients 1 cake yeast1 1/2 c. lukewarm water4 c. flour1 Tbsp. sugar1/2 c. onion, finely chopped2 tsp. saltdried rosemaryoilsaltMethodAdd sugar and yeast to lukewarm water; stir to dissolve yeast. Add flour, ...Learn More
    cake yeastwaterflour
  8. Bread - flour

    Ingredients 6 c. flour2 Tbsp. sugar2 tsp. salt2 c. warm water2 Tbsp. Crisco1/2 cake yeast in 1/2 c. warm waterMethodWork into ball.Let rise (double).Knead down again (let raise double).Knead and put into bread ...Learn More
  9. Butterhorns - salt

    Ingredients 1 tsp. salt1 cake yeast1 c. lukewarm water1/4 c. sugar3 eggs well beaten3/4 c. melted butter or margarine4 c. sifted flourMethodBreak yeast in lukewarm water to dissolve.Add sugar, eggs, shortening,...Learn More
    saltcake yeastwater
  10. Shaker Wheaten Bread - milk

    Ingredients 1 c. milk1 Tbsp. salt3 Tbsp. butter4 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup1 cake yeast1 c. warm water2 c. sifted flour4 c. whole wheat flourMethodScald milk; add salt, butter, syrup and 3/4 cup of warm water. ...Learn More
  11. Old-Fashioned Whole Wheat Bread - warm water

    Ingredients 3 cups warm water2 5/8 ounces cake yeast8 cups whole wheat flour Robin Hood Stone Ground1/2 cup honey2 teaspoons salt1/4 cup oilMethodHave all ingredients at room temperature except water. Yield: 2 ...Learn More
    warm watercake yeastwhole wheat flour Robin Hood Stone Ground
  12. Homemade Rolls - water

    Ingredients 1 c. hot water1/4 c. sugar1/3 c. oil1/2 tsp. salt3 1/2 c. flour1 cake yeast, dissolve in 1/4 c. lukewarm water1 eggMethodSave 1/2 cup flour to roll out rolls....Learn More