Category: sweet milk
Learn sweet milk - Recipes
  1. Sweet Potato Pudding - grated sweet potatoes

    Ingredients 3 c. grated sweet potatoes1 1/2 c. sweet milk3/4 tsp. salt1 tsp. mixed ground spices1 1/2 c. dark brown sugar8 Tbsp. butter3 eggsMethodMix grated potatoes, milk, salt and spices.Cream butter and sug...Learn More
    grated sweet potatoessweet milksalt
  2. Hush Puppies - meal

    Ingredients 1 c. plain meal1 c. plain flour1 1/2 Tbsp. baking powder1 tsp. salt1 Tbsp. sugar3 Tbsp. melted oleo1 egg, beaten1 minced onion1 c. sweet milkMethodMix first 5 ingredients well.Add remaining ingredie...Learn More
    mealflourbaking powder
  3. Coconut Chess Pie - sugar

    Ingredients 1 c. sugar1 c. sweet milk1 c. Baker's flake coconut2 whole eggs2 Tbsp. flour1 tsp. vanilla1/4 c. butter or margarine1 unbaked pie shellMethodMix all together.Pat into pie shells.Bake at 325° to 350°...Learn More
    sugarsweet milkcoconut
  4. Corn Pudding - eggs

    Ingredients 2 eggs1 can creamed corn2 Tbsp. plain floursalt and pepper1 c. sweet milk1/2 c. margarineMethodEggs should be beaten and margarine should be melted.Add all ingredients together in baking dish.Bake a...Learn More
  5. Lemon Pound Cake - margarine

    Ingredients 2 sticks margarine1/2 c. Crisco3 c. sugar3 c. flour1 tsp. baking powder1 c. sweet milk6 eggs1 tsp. lemon flavoringMethodSeparate egg whites and beat until stiff.Set aside.Cream together first 3 ingr...Learn More
  6. Apple Dumplings - flour

    Ingredients 2 c. flour2 tsp. baking powder1 tsp. saltchopped apples3 Tbsp. oleo or butter7/8 c. sweet milkbrown sugar to tasteMethodSift flour, baking powder and salt.Work into this the oleo or butter.Add sweet...Learn More
    flourbaking powdersalt
  7. Japanese Fruit Cake - butter

    Ingredients 1/4 lb. butter6 eggs4 c. flour1/2 box raisins1 Tbsp. cloves1 can crushed pineapple1 pkg. chopped dried figs2 c. sugar1 c. sweet milk3 c. nuts *1/2 box currants1 Tbsp. cinnamon and nutmeg1 carton can...Learn More
  8. JordanS Cake - sugar

    Ingredients 3 c. sugar1 c. shortening5 large eggs1 c. sweet milk1 tsp. baking powder (heap just a little)3 c. all-purpose flour1 tsp. lemon extract1 tsp. vanilla extractMethodBlend well the sugar, shortening an...Learn More
  9. Sugar Cookies - sugar

    Ingredients 2 c. sugar3/4 c. shortening1 c. sweet milk5 c. flour3 eggs5 tsp. baking powderMethodCream sugar and shortening until fluffy.Add eggs; beat well and add milk, then flour.Beat well as you add flour an...Learn More
    sugarshorteningsweet milk
  10. Black Walnut Cake - Crisco

    Ingredients 1 1/2 c. Crisco3 c. sugar6 eggs1 tsp. black walnut flavoring1 1/2 c. sweet milk3 c. plain flour2/3 c. self-rising flour1 c. black walnutsMethodCream sugar and Crisco in large mixing bowl; add eggs o...Learn More
  11. Scripture Cake - honey

    Ingredients 2 Tbsp. honey (1 Samuel 14:25)season to taste, spices (2 Chronicles 9:9)6 eggs (Jeremiah 17:11)1 pinch salt (Leviticus 2:13)1/2 c. sweet milk (Judges 4:15)2 tsp. baking soda (Amos 4:5)4 1/2 c. plain...Learn More
  12. Peach Cobbler - flour

    Ingredients 1 c. flour1 large can sliced peaches1 stick melted butter1 c. sugar1 c. sweet milkMethodMix ingredients together.Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until brown....Learn More