Categories:Viewed: 18 - Published at: 10 months ago


  • 1 kilogram Fresh Artichokes
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1/2 liters Olive Oil (extra Virgin Quality, Preferably)
  • 1 teaspoon Coarse Salt (marine Salt Crystal Flakes, Preferably)


  • First of all, the artichokes for this recipe have to be fresh and meaty (hard and firm when you grip them).
  • Cut stem and bottom part out of each artichoke, as well as the tip (at about 1/3 of the total lenght of the artichoke once its bottom part has been removed).
  • Cut the lemon in halves and use them to rub te exposed cuts in the artichokes as soon as you cut them, to avoid oxidation (which makes them dark).
  • Remove all the leaves on the outer layers until you get to the inner parts which are more white-yellow than green.
  • The artichokes will now have kind of a barrel shape.
  • Put all those artichoke barrels upside down on a pot and fill it with olive oil up to a level a little less than half the height of the artichokes.
  • Here comes the only tricky part of the recipe: You have to cook the artichokes in the oil at a very low temperature.
  • Exactly how low or at what exact temperature I couldnt really tell you as I have never measured it (I dont get that technical when cooking).
  • As a reference, I have a ceramic cooktop and I have to set a small burner power control at its 1 or 2 position (over a maximum of 6).
  • Sometimes I have to change it up or down between those two power positions, so keep an eye on it to avoid bringing the oil to a boil (when you see it bubbling).
  • You need to cook artichokes for about 20 minutes, covered.
  • Then remove lid, turn the barrels upside down, put the lid on again and cook for other 20 minutes.
  • Remove artichokes from the pot and drain on a plate for a few minutes.
  • Use a couple of medium-sized spoons to gently open the leaves and start forming the flowers, beginning with the outer leaves.
  • Move the artichoke flowers with care to their final serving plate, sprinkle some coarse salt over them, and enjoy!