
  • 2 whole Chicken Breasts - Deboned
  • 1 teaspoon Chicken Seasoning (Use Your Favorite)
  • 4 Tablespoons Butter, Divided Use
  • 1 whole Aubergine (eggplant)
  • 1 whole Tomato (Large - Any Variety)
  • 2 Tablespoons Flour
  • 1 cup, 2-23 teaspoons, 78 pinches Milk (have A Bit More Available)
  • 1 teaspoon Mustard Powder (can Be Omitted)
  • 1/2 teaspoons Ground Black Pepper
  • 1/2 Tablespoons Salt
  • 1/2 pounds, 78 ounces, weight Strong Cheddar, Grated


  • Put chicken breast between two pieces of cling wrap and bash flat with a wooden rolling pin or meat hammer.
  • Season with the chicken seasoning or plain salt and pepper.
  • Put this on a wire rack in a tray (to keep the oven clean) in a 180 degree C oven.
  • Watch carefully as you want it cooked but still juicy about 5 minutes.
  • Then keep it warm while you prepare the rest of your dish.
  • Melt some butter in a cast iron pan.
  • Slice the aubergine into thick round slices and fry until golden brown on both sides about 1 minute per side.
  • Add a bit more butter to the pan, slice the tomato into thick round slices and fry until golden brown on both sides about 1 minute per side.
  • While the aubergine and tomato are frying melt the remaining 2 Tablespoons butter in a cast iron pot.
  • When melted add the 2 Tablespoons of flour and mix until smooth.
  • Then slowly add the milk mixing all the time (for a lump proof sauce heat the milk up beforehand I do this in the microwave no need to boil just lukewarm is fine).
  • Let it thicken slightly (you may need to add more milk to get the right consistency).
  • Once the sauce is ready add the Teaspoon of mustard powder and the ground black pepper and salt.
  • Then stir in the grated cheese until melted.
  • To assemble put the fried aubergine on the center of the plate (divide amongst two plates) then stack the fried tomato on top of the aubergine, then the grilled chicken flatties and finally smother each bundle in the cheese sauce (I like it completely covered but use as much as you like).
  • You can pop this under a hot grill until brown on top or eat as it is.
  • This recipe is very rich so one stack per person is fine.