Category: Parowax
Learn Parowax - Recipes
  1. Chocolate Balls - Rice Krispies

    Ingredients 3 c. Rice Krispies1 lb. peanut butter1 c. margarine, melted1 lb. powdered sugar1 c. walnuts, chopped1 large Hershey bar1 (6 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips1/2 bar ParowaxMethodDip balls into chocolate mix...Learn More
    Rice Krispiespeanut buttermargarine
  2. Bonbons - peanut butter

    Ingredients 1 c. peanut butter1 c. powdered sugar1 c. dates1 c. nuts1 Tbsp. butter1/2 bar Parowax6 oz. chocolate chipsMethodWork well with hands and make into small balls.Chill.Melt the Parowax and chocolate ch...Learn More
    peanut butterpowdered sugardates