
  • 1 pack phyllo sheets.
  • 1/2 cup melted ghee or butter.
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped.
  • 30 grams raisins.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.
  • 3 tbsp sugar.
  • SYRUP:
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar.
  • 1 cup water.
  • few lemon juice drops.


  • 1-prepare syrup by mixing sugar and water over medium heat till sugar dissolves,add the lemon juice and leave to simmer for 8-9
  • 2-Preheat the oven to 380F,and grease a 26cm oven dish with melted ghee.
  • 3-Spread one phyllo sheet on the dish and brush it with melted ghee till all covered,repeat this step with 6 sheets.
  • 4-Mix together the walnuts,sugar and cinnamon and spread them over the sheets in the dish.(some people like to add 1tbsp ghee to this mixture,I DON'T)
  • 5-cover the mixture with another phyllo sheet and brush it well with ghee,repeat the step for another 4 times.
  • 6-Using a sharp knife,make diagonals cuts in the dish and again brush the surface with ghee.
  • 7-Bake for 30-35min. till golden in color.take out of oven and pour the cold syrup over the dish.Leave to cool for 30 minutes and then drain it from the extra syrup.