Categories:Viewed: 15 - Published at: 4 years ago


  • 1 1/2 heads romaine lettuce and leaf lettuce, mixed, washed and gently patted dry
  • 3 each tomatoes peeled and sliced thin
  • 1 large onions sliced thin
  • 14 ounces palm hearts, drained and sliced, or artichoke hearts
  • 6 each black olives drained
  • 15 ounces chickpeas (garbanzo beans) drained
  • 1 x parsley leaves freshly chopped, garnish
  • 1 x olive oil


  • Line serving platter with large lettuce leaves.
  • Break the remaining lettuce into bite size pieces and place over the top of the large leaves.
  • Arrange tomato slices, overlapping down the center of the lettuce bed, tucking onion slices in between the tomatos.
  • Arrange sliced hearts of palm next to the tomatos.
  • Add rows of olives and garbanzos.
  • Serve with a sprinkle of parsley and olive oil or other favorite dressing on the side.