
  • 1 lb. imported arborio rice
  • 1/4 cup virgin olive oil (Italian)
  • salt to taste
  • 4 ozs. dry white wine (Italian)
  • 2 shallots chopped fine
  • 3 ozs. unsalted butter
  • 4 ozs. freshly grated imported parmesian cheese
  • 8 cups simmering chicken stock


  • Have your stock simmering with a ladle nearbye. In a heavy Le crussete casserole (the heaviest pot you have) add your olive oil and shallots let the shallots sweat not allowing them to turn brown. This takes about 2 minutes. You now add your rice and stir to cover each kernel with oil & shallot mixture. When the rice is covered with this mixture add your wine and stir, let the wine evaporate. Now you start to add your stock 1 ladle at a time letting it simmer and allowing the rice to absorb the liquid. When you have added about 6 cups of liquid taste. If the rice is very hard add 1 more ladle and taste again. The risotto is finished when it is aldente (to the toothe). You now add the butter and stir and the rice will have a beautiful shine. Add your grated cheese taste for seasoning and adjust. Risotto waits for no one.