Category: appropriate
Learn appropriate - Recipes
  1. Japanese-Style Loco Moco Nutritious Tofu Burgers - tofu

    Ingredients 1 block Firm tofu300 grams Ground chicken1 Egg1 Salt and pepper1 tbsp Miso150 ml Mentsuyu (2x concentrate)100 ml Water100 ml Mirin1 tsp Grated garlic1 an appropriate quantity to thicken Katakuriko s...Learn More
    tofuground chickenegg
  2. Chinese-style Napa Cabbage Rolls - Chinese cabbage

    Ingredients 8 slice Chinese cabbage (napa cabbage)1/3 of a carrot Carrot1/3 bunch Chinese chives200 grams *Ground pork1/3 of a large stalk, 1 bunch of green onions *Finely chopped Japanese leek (or green onions...Learn More
    Chinese cabbagecarrot CarrotChinese chives
  3. Christmas Cake for Babies - pancake mix

    Ingredients 1 bag Pancake mix150 ml Milk (or baby formula)1 Egg1 Banana1 Yogurt1 appropriate quantity Your favorite fruitMethodPrepare it the day before yogurt cream.Place a colander in a bowl and line the cola...Learn More
    pancake mixmilkegg